AI-Powered Conversational Assistant For Your Business

Enhance Your Customer Engagement With Talkbot, An Intelligent Chatbot Powered By AI.



Talkbot In Action

Understanding Intent

Talkbot’s ability to understand natural language means it can ‘read between the lines’ and recognize what a customer needs even when the instruction is ambiguous. Talkbot understands commonly used expressions and can infer a customer’s intention, leading to superior customer engagement and satisfaction.

Giving Customers What They Need!

A typical customer’s query would include their problem, situation, actions, and other information along with their exact requirements. Unlike traditional rule-based chatbots, Talkbot can extract the relevant information and perform the correct action much more efficiently.

Enticing Customer Engagement With Hyper-Personalization

A typical customer’s query would include their problem, situation, actions, a nd Other Information Along With Their Exact Requirements. Unlike Traditional Rule-Based Chatbots, Talkbot Can Extract The Relevant Information And Perform The Correct Action Much More Efficiently.

Talkbot’s Conversational AI Vs. Other Rule-Based Bots

Talkbot’s NLU is the key to its ability to engage customers while answering their queries effectively. Talkbot’s exception handling, omnichannel support, and human-like tone and manner set it apart from outdated traditional chatbots. Talkbot understands your customers and delivers the support they need.

How Is Talkbot Better?

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24/7 Customer Engagement

Talkbot means no downtime for your business or its customers. Your customers will have access to personalized support anytime and anywhere. Increase customer satisfaction with Talkbot’s 24/7 omnichannel compatibility and concurrent conversations.

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Multilingual Support

Multilingual support extends the customer support experience to people who don't speak english, or who are more comfortable conversing in another language.

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Superior Customer Experience

Talkbot provides a seamless customer experience through its use of cutting-edge AI technology, intent recognition, and natural language comprehension. It allows customers to be understood, which means inquiries are handled quickly and efficiently.

Unmatched Query Resolution With Ensemble AI

How is talkbot able to understand human speech? The answer lies in the highly advanced ensemble ai. Talkbot is powered by four engines

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First, Talkbot compares the customer questions with existing Q&A list and gives you the best match to answer using similarity algorithms.

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Next, Talkbot will read through the complete user manual, service policy, and all the relevant documents to provide fully automatized responses.

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Then, replies are trimmed with best conversation practice by training with dialog history and improve its quality continuously.

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Lastly, Talkbot navigates knowledge base to understand the core meaning of any complexed variations of questions and draw a high-quality answer with high precision.

Omni-Channel Coverage

Meet your customers on their preferred platform instead of forcing them to interact on one set medium. Talkbot allows you to connect with your customers on a variety of popular channels, including messengers, Slack, email, social media sites, and leading CRM solutions such as Salesforce and Zendesk. Talkbot offers flexibility in addition to accuracy and engagement.

See how it integration

Real-Time Monitoring Creates Actionable Business Insights

Gain the ability to closely observe your customers. Tools such as intent analysis, trend analysis, and sentiment analysis help you identify problems and areas of improvement in real-time.

Active learning allows talkbot to be continually improving. Unlike other bots, when Talkbot does not understand what a user says, Talkbot keeps the conversation going to draw the user’s engagement (instead of saying I don’t understand). It has been designed to use different strategies to solve the customers queries.

Hearing Your Customers Starts With Voice Recognition

You cannot hear your customers if your chatbot cannot understand them. Talkbot’s cutting edge voice recognition ensures that customers are heard and understood:

Speech to text utilizes adaptive learning speech recognition and high performance learning models. Talkbot delivers an accuracy rate of over 90%, a figure that grows even higher over time due to the system’s active learning. no additional hardware (GPU) is required for speech to text, making the entire process seamless.

Speak to your customers with transition learning-based speech synthesis technology. 30-minutes of your voice sample is enough for Talkbot to synthesize and to replicate your own voices. Talkbot’s speech synthesis offers clear and natural-sounding speech.

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